Saturday, September 20, 2014

Let's compare SunEd and traditional schools

Let's compare SunEd High with traditional schools

1.  what do I study?
In a traditional school, I go from Language arts
then Critical Thinking
then Math 
then science

at SunEd High
I can choose what to study at almost any time.
For example
I can choose Language arts or Reading in the first two hours.
then I can choose Sicence or math for the seoncd hour
then I can choose any subject for the rest of the day.

In a traditional school, the day starts at 9 am and goes to 3:45 pm

At SunEd High, we have only 4.5 hours
either 7 to 11:30 am  or
12 to 4:30 pm

3. Homework
In a traditional school, I need to do about 30 or 60 minutes of homework.

At SunEd, there is usually no homework.

At a traditional schoool, I need to make up the work. to catch up.

At SunEd High, i can work from home on my home computer using the internet, or I can go to a library or a friend's house.   so if I get sick, I don't fall behind.

Clubs at school
In a traditional schoo, there are clubs
I wish they had a 2K14 club!

At SunEd High, there are clubs on Saturday and stuents also meet online.

For example, some students at SunEd have spoken with students in China and Brazil over Skype in a program called Building International Bridges by Internet.   


At S

Tips about 2K 14

1. I have found that you need to get the team with the star players that you want to shoot with

2.  You can experiment to find other players who might have hidden talents

I found this video that explains the speed burst.

Here's a video about the Shutdown Defense.

"Best defense tutorial improve instantly 1-3-1"

The key tip is to move to surround the person with the ball.

This info comes from Jaytron.